Love Machine
Cangote is my contribution to Love Machine, one of the collaborative projects idealized by the Brazilian animation blog, Layer Lemonade. You can check out the full collab here: vimeo.com/layerlemonade

DESIGN & ANIMATION. Beethowen Souza
SOUND DESIGN. Dhyan Shanasa
Basically, the idea for this project comes out of a real and lovely kiss during a sunny day. My goal was to express that good feeling when you receive a kiss on your neck and your soul comes out of your body, just for a second. It was an enjoyable project and took me two weeks from the initial idea to the final piece. The project only allowed me five seconds to tell my story, which was a huge challenge.
a goofy but helpfull SB to help me with the idea

some old frames
the first ones. Then I chose to use texture and a different style for the eyes
Final frames, all completed in After Effects